Re: [Salon] Prior to Falsifying about Covid Origins Bill, Hawley Flipped on Ukraine

As was shared here earlier, the Republican created and led, Committee to Incite US War on China, with Democrats sharing the same ideological origin as Republicans, having in common as the descendants of Scoop Jackson, a Goldwaterite hyper militaristic ideology, “all systems are go”for war against China:

While I already responded with appropriate contempt to the article on “Right-Wing Peaceniks,” shared this weekend, which named such genuine hyper-militarists (appreciate my use of an euphemism, instead of the “true-name”) like Hawley, Trump, and DeSantis, extreme militarists all, in the way Mussolini defined and desired “Militarism,” I was curious of who or what would be behind the publication of such a blatant “cognitive campaign meme” as that. It came as no surprise to find that the so-called “Free Press” website was basically the personal page of Bari Weiss, the always pro-war engaged promoter of Mideast wars, with the current target Iran. So it is not shocking her website would promote candidates who promise war against Iran, and are extensions of the Likud Party on issues involving the Mideast in general and Israel in particular. 

That’s what makes claims of the “end of neoconservativism” because of Trump’s election so hilarious, if not so catastrophically false in that Trump merely took the ideology of Neoconservatism/Straussianism, as the militaristically rabid “Conservatism” of the CIA hardliners who founded “Traditional Conservatism,” had become known as when it began drawing Democrats into the disproportionately Republican “hard-line camp” by the 1980s, and exponentially expanded it. Pulling the Democrats along to the militaristic Right so that, paraphrasing “Dull, Duller, Dullest,” we now have “Right, Righter, Rightest,” with all as extreme “Rightists” of the militaristic kind today, explaining our “Perpetual Warfare State” of today, and why war with China is inevitable, due to the “American Ideology.”

 With Hawley as student of Uber Straussian Harvey Mansfield of Harvard, who wrote a panegyric to Teddy Roosevelt, praising all the things that make one a genuine fascist in Roosevelt.

But the “Peacenik” article was from Bari Weiss’s webpage, with Weiss the most extreme Zionist there is perhaps, as well as the most extreme advocate of war with Iran there could be. But with Biden so pro-war extreme, and self-defeating, it is apparent that Weiss is repeating the false claim of 2016, to get the even more Radical Right, pro-war Republicans elected in 2024, by exploiting war weariness again, like Trump micro-targeted Paul’s constituents, even while targeting regular Republicans with promises to torture again, and spend as much as McCain on the military. And it worked! 

So Bari Weiss’s hack writer pens a piece touting the peacefulness of DeSantis, Trump, and the likes of Hawley, all of whom have been the most extreme China and Iran hawks, saving Russia for “dessert.” It’s a very sophisticated psyop operation, as if they’re waging war against us , to get us to wage more war. And it will probably work because Biden is “almost keeping pace with even the most extreme of the Republicans, to especially include the China Committee fanatics.

Sent from my iPhone (with my laptop out of commission, and traveling on my self-designed “Tour of Fascist Sites.”



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